Phlegmageddon and the Studio Upgrades

Being sick for months but still being productive.


Chelsea Eldeen

2/26/20241 min read

I came down with COVID on 11/28/23, and have been pretty much constantly sick with one respiratory bug or another ever since. So much of my work involves products that give off fumes and/or particulates. Even though I wear PPE and have an exhaust fan in the Studio, the Studio is still a part of my house (it's a spare bedroom) so some small traces of fumes and particulates do still creep under the door into the rest of the house. Not enough to endanger my pets or anything, but certainly enough to cause problems in an already-compromised respiratory system. I have been under doctor's orders to avoid making things until I'm fully healed up. Some of you know that The Studio isn't just my business, it's part of my mental health care, so this has been EXTRA hard on me.

I needed to feel productive even if I couldn't be creative in the way I wanted to be. Since I couldn't make anything during Phlegmageddon, I decided upgrade the Studio during times when I was feeling well enough. We replaced nearly all the furniture, did lots of purging, organizing, and labeling, and added several new tools to the stash. Photo is from early January, during the worst of the reorganization and purge.

I was given four different scripts 2 weeks ago to finally put an end to Phlegmageddon, and while I still had to miss Gamicon Arsenic, they seem to have been working! I'll have another checkup soon to (hopefully) be released of my restrictions and start making things again! As for the Studio Upgrades, all that's left to do is:

1) Purge the closet, make a space for backstock of products.

2) Set up the pouring table's light, mat, and general tabletop.

3) Finish organizing the tool pegboard

4) Make the spray paint rack

5) Pressure Pot maintence- make sure the seals are in good condition, scrape resin drips off the shelf inserts

6) Install the sound bar

7) Refine the vibratory tumbler situation

To everyone who has been waiting on their commissions from last fall, all I can say is thank you. I really appreciate your patience, grace, and encouragement as I navigate Phlegmageddon. I am SO looking forward to finishing your pieces and getting them out to you as soon as I can.